Engine Co. 4
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Engine Co. 4- Power House of the South

Welcome to Engine Co. 4's website!  The Powerhouse of the South. Located at 5161 S Sunnyslope Rd., New Berlin,WI. Covering the South side of New Berlin, including the south side industrial park known as"West Ridge"

This site is an " U N O F F I CI A L" website. It is not sponsored by the City of New Berlin Fire Department, The City of New Berlin, Wisconsin or any agents thereto. This site has not been paid for by the City of New Berlin Fire Department, or the tax payers in any way and are not to be held liable for the content of this site. The content of this site is provided solely by the author for informational purposes only. Any comments should be directed to the author and not the officials of the City of New Berlin Fire Department, or The City of New Berlin regarding this site.

- Few pics of the accident I43 & Mooreland

-New link in favorite link

    I will try to update this site often as I can, I have a new camera, and there are finally new people in Station 4 and through out the New Berlin Fire Dept.!!!  All pictures have been removed with the exception of the new pics I just put in. 

Those who are disiplined & learn the value of work & sacrifice shall be called "CHAMPION"

Those who find these qualities bitter & painful shall be called "LOSER"

Counter Started 06.03.01

Established 5.15.01
Last updated-03.17.04

Engine Co. 4 enroute to another call